Control makes opponents predictable: When an stands in front of you it's anybody's guess what his next action will be. If you have no physical control over him he can do whatever he wants. The second you put hands on him you exert a degree of control – and as a result, his shrink. The more control you exert over his movements, the fewer options he has as to what his next will be – and the fewer options he has – THE MORE PREDICTABLE HE BECOMES – and an opponent whose next move can be accurately predicted is a MUCH easier opponent to defeat. Thus ever increasing physical control is the key to taking the unknown out of combat and creating a sense that you know what your opponent will do next. Once you can accurately predict the next move from a very limited set of possible options that an opponent must choose from, then you can make yourself look like a Jiu jitsu oracle who can foretell an opponent's next move – that's when Jiu jitsu becomes something special. There's nothing mystical about it – it's based on physical control – levers, fulcrums and – but its effects appear magical