Inside control and control: All physical control over another human being is based on the idea of . When it comes to gripping an opponent you have two choices. The first is to grip inside your opponents limbs with your limbs. This is allows you to separate his limbs away from his and often makes it difficult for the opponent to get a solid controlling grip on you. The second is grip his limbs from the outside. This allows you to push arms and across the centerline and expose an opponents back and gives a great ability to clinch around an opponent in beneficial ways. Both are superb methods when used well and both can be countered when used poorly. EXCELLENCE IN JIU JITSU REQUIRE YOU TO BECOME HIGHLY PROFICIENT IN BOTH. You can have a preference – that's fine – but you can't simply ignore one in favor of the other. There are so many ways to use both to advance your game and win that it would be a great disservice to yourself to only focus on one. Here, Nicky Ryan does some from closed guard – an excellent example of controlling the opponents body from outside and around with the legs. If he wanted – he could play a hybrid game with outside control with lower body and with inside control at the upper body; or, play outside control with both arms and legs – it's up to you – but make sure you learn to use both to maximize your development!

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