Not all are equal: Grip is the of all grappling sports. If you can't get an effective grip on someone, none of the are . Any time you can grip an opponent – he be able to grip you too – it's important therefore, to know how to impose a upon him than he has upon you. Some grips confer a greater degree of control than others. Even from identical grips, there are subtle positional tricks that can confer advantages to you. Your is to attain a grip that offers you greater control over your opponent than he has over you. Whether you have attained this goal will be immediately apparent when you try to move and control each other. If you are roughly same size and skill level but your grip makes it easier to move and control your opponent, then it's likely you've got a better grip than him. Don't be satisfied with any grip – work to get a dominant grip whenever possible. Remember – in a world where everything begins with grip, your job overall gets significantly easier when you every engagement with a better grip than the other guy