A lesson from a young blue belt: I think it's fair to see we all enter this sport with a lot of doubt. Your first few years is just a long of getting your ass kicked every day at the . As a result it's natural to wonder if you'll ever be any good, if you'll ever be able to match the people currently crushing your, whether as a blue belt you'll ever be able to take on the upper belts. This weekend talented young Daniel Manasoiu, a nineteen year old blue belt went to The European Open, where Europe's best get together to battle it out no under ADCC rules. Most of the athletes are very experienced brown and black belts. Big Dan won double gold, both his weight division and absolutely with his devastating submissions game – specializing of course in . I have always been impressed by the incredible sporting heritage and success of the Eastern European nations. I believe day they will be a powerful in the world of grappling. Big Dan is American but first generation Romanian so he was very proud to go back to his roots and take double gold. It is a great lesson for all of us. That if you train hard, you can overcome higher belts and more experienced opponents who have been in the sport much longer. The only thing that counts on the is your skills, and if you work hard and intelligently, you can grow those faster than many people believe so that your current doubts can be replaced by triumphs. Well done Dan!