Pressure over conquers all: When I first met Nicholas Meregali I was immediately struck by the brilliance and of his attacks and by his general spirit of offense and decisive victory. What was absent however a sense of CONTINUITY OF ATTACK CREATING PRESSURE OVER TIME. Other things being equal Attacks in no Jiu jitsu usually have a lower percentage success rate than gi due to decreased friction and therefore there is a greater need for combined/continuous attacks creating a relentless pressure that exhausts opponents until resistance levels fall below a threshold where submissions work with a higher chance of success. Mr Meregali built this approach into his game over the last year to a degree that is truly extraordinary. His last two matches were testimony to this development. He took on two of the most elite grapplers in the world – Kaynan Duarte and Felipe Pena – both ADCC champions and very powerful physical specimens who we consider the best active players in the world outside of our team mates. Mr Meregali defeated both by stranglehold from position after controlling every aspect of the match from feet to floor with unrelenting pressure that made submission look inevitable. I can't think of a better example of an athlete redefining himself mid in such impressive fashion. Let that example be your inspiration – I guarantee that focus upon methodical pressure over time get you decisive submission victories that opponents find very difficult to stop