Seminar for Marcelo Garcia in Las Vegas: One of the greatest Jiu jitsu athletes of all time, Marcelo Garcia – four time ADCC champion and multi time IBJJF champion was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer and has undergone what appears to be a treatment. On Wednesday August 30 in Las Vegas his great friend and partner Bernardo Faria has organized a super seminar to help raise money for post treatment expenses and related medical costs. The seminar will feature Bernardo, Gordon Ryan, Nicholas Meregali and myself. One hundred percent of money raised will go directly to Mr Garcia and his family. Marcelo Garcia gained his fame on the mats with many legendary performances and his to the ideal of Jiu jitsu – winning by submission and fearlessly taking on bigger in the absolute division. He inspired an entire generation of Jiu Jitsu athletes and massively helped the rise of No gi Jiu jitsu while also dominating traditional gi competition. He was more than a great competitor, he was the ideal of a true gentleman off the mats while a killer on the mats. In the tribalistic and fractured world of Jiu jitsu where often everyone sees anyone else from another school or another point of view as an enemy, he was one of the few who was loved and revered by all. It's an honor to help in a small way at this seminar and try to help such a great man recover from yet another win against a the most formidable enemy we can ever face. The seminar will be before the Masters World Championships in Las Vegas – if you're in town and want to support a great man and a great cause – come by and participate! Seminar will be no gi Jiu jitsu – seminar poster in my Instagram story for details