Moving fast – moving slow: Most of the time I prefer a smooth relaxed to Jiu jitsu over a lightning fast pace. This enables you to longer, gives you time to think and problems as they arise and generally leads to fewer mistakes in execution. However, there are times it pays to put some gas on the throttle and GO! Any time you think the anticipated benefits of a successful short sprint are greater than the long slog of starting over again after going too slowly to capitalize on an opportunity – then you are licensed to step on the accelerator pedal and get going – just make sure it's not for an extended period of time. in jiu jitsu is both a blessing and a curse – be aware that it's a curse much more often than it's a blessing, so use it judiciously. it's not the speed that's the problem, but rather maintaining the exertion required to get to that speed too long. Once you learn to step OFF the gas pedal at the appropriate time, you'll be able to step ON more often and with greater confidence