How your opponent behaves in a match is largely determined by you: When you have a match with any given opponent either in the gym or on the stage, your opponent act a certain way towards you – I'm not talking about unimportant things like what they say or their demeanor – I'm talking about the important stuff – the techniques and tactics they try to use on you. THE WAY AN OPPONENT ACTS IN A MATCH WHEN THEY ARE AFRAID OF YOU IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM A SITUATION WHERE THEY HAVE NO OF YOU. How aggressive or their game is, what level of risk they find acceptable when selecting moves, their willingness to engage – this is largely determined by their of the you lose to them. The biggest fear every opponent has is the fear of being submitted. If they have no fear of that they will attack at every opportunity and without regard for whatever you're doing. If they fear your they will approach you with trepidation and be reluctant to use many of the moves they normally like to employ. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO DEVELOP YOUR GAME NOT JUST AS THE BEST MEANS TO TOTAL VICTORY BUT ALSO AS A MEANS OF REDUCING YOUR OPPONENTS ATTACKING SPIRIT. Put a healthy fear in your opponent and you will have less to fear from him!!