Your or in the standing come from your mastery of the crucial precursor : A huge mistake in most Jiu jitsu standing programs is the tendency to teach a set of takedowns as the class curriculum. Students are shown a given move, say a single leg takedown, they drill it for a while and then move to the main component of the class – the ground positions. At best this creates a class of students who can drill the moves – but it never produces a class of students who can perform the moves against a strongly in sparring and competition. A big part of the reason for this is of course, the fact they don't do any sparring in the standing position; but there is another important reason – THEY ARE NEVER SHOWN THE CRUCIAL PRECURSOR SKILLS OF STANCE, MOTION, GRIP, OFF BALANCING AND POSITION THAT ACTUALLY MAKE THE TAKEDOWNS POSSIBLE AGAINST A RESISTING OPPONENT. In standing , TAKEDOWNS ARE THE CULMINATION OF THE APPLICATION OF PRECURSOR SKILLS THAT HAVE TO BE APPLIED FIRST BEFORE THE TAKEDOWN CAN BE PERFORMED. If those skills are lacking – the takedown will prove impossible the moment the opponent starts resisting. These crucial precursor skills are not sexy – no one gets excited about the prospect of practicing grip fighting, stance or movement – so they get ignored. Just as you can never hope to apply an arm bar on a resisting opponent without learning the precursor skills of passing and pinning and control – you can't apply a takedown without standing precursor skills and learning takedowns without them is simply not going to be productive – you may look ok doing your drills but you won't be able to takedown a resisting and competitive opponent. Make sure you spend as much time learning these crucial precursor skills of the standing position as you do takedowns – they may not be as sexy but when the pressure is on they will the factor that makes you

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