The power of elbow : A huge part of in Jiu jitsu becomes from posture – and a big part of good posture in Jiu jitsu is concerned with keeping your elbows close to your hips and torso. The more you can do this, the more difficult it be for an opponent to control you and open you up to attacks. It stands to reason then, that Taking your elbows out of position, away from the and torso, is an excellent way to undermine his game and makes it easier to apply your own. This is particularly important when employing chest to chest pins, but it's also a valuable idea when passing half guard. Here I use double underhooks to undermine my partners elbow position and thus make from half guard very difficult. Note that position also becomes important in this context as you can see here. The basis of defense in Jiu jitsu is elbow position- there is a reason why the old masters call them elbow – knock that domino over first and all the others will soon

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