I am very happy to announce the release of my latest video STANDING2GROUND: DOMINANCE AND SCRIMMAGE WRESTLING. Jiu jitsu students are taught from their first day about positional dominance on the ground – yet oddly they are rarely if ever taught about positional dominance on the feet, in standing positions. Just as it's a valuable thing to control before submissions, so too it's a valuable thing to control position before attempting takedowns. This video looks at how to get to superior position and how to use it to make takedowns easier and safer. Then we look at the all important skills of to score and prevent a score jiu jitsu rules. This is what really differentiates the jiu jitsu standing game from wrestling and judo. We also add the skill of standing submission hold entries. Once you add the of submission scrambles into positional scrambles – the standing game starts to look very different indeed. You saw how my students used both to operate very effectively in the standing position in ADCC , taking standing entries into leg locks, scrimmaging to prevent scores and positional advantage to makes takedowns look effortless against athletes known for their takedown game. If you want to you jiu jitsu standing skills, perhaps check it out! Links in my bio and story