The athlete goes out alone: When we think of athletes getting ready for in Jiu jitsu we tend to think mostly about the teamwork of preparation, working with your partners, coaches, strength and conditioning trainers etc. This is a relatively small percentage of the average day however. Most of your time you'll be alone in your house, your car etc. As the time draws near you'll be surrounded by fans, haters, officials, , but the more people around you the more you'll feel the reality that when the match starts it's you and only you that steps out in to the mat. If there is one attribute you'll need to stay sane and succeed it is RELIANCE. Cultivate this as an attribute every chance you get. Get comfortable being by yourself and comfortable with yourself, even in a crowded room. When you can be ALONE WITHOUT BEING LONELY you'll have the inner strength needed for the big show. When you're surround by thousands but alone yourself and comfortable, you're ready to perform on stage. Get comfortable with solitude and you'll create the that make people want to be around you.