Chasing perfection: Giancarlo Bodoni in his first match at ADCC 2022 as time runs out he is decisively ahead on points and chasing the – another few seconds and it would have happened. His reaction afterwards speaks volumes – he wasn't happy with what was a dominant performance against a very tough champion opponent. Then he went out and finished all his remaining opponents including the defending ADCC champion with a mix of and locks. It's that elusive pursuit of perfection and creating a culture of high standards that creates great performers. Don't for anything less. Even when you come up short you'll do than you ever would by settling for lowered standards. You will rise to the level of your goals. If you set the bar low, you'll inevitably perform at a low level. If you set it high, you'll run into a lot of frustration and disappointment at times, but when triumphs come your way, they'll truly be something memorable