Every attack from bottom is an attack on your opponents stance and balance: There are a thousand ways to attack from bottom in Jiu Jitsu, but they are have a common start. Your opponent can only withstand your attacks and go on to pass your when he establishes good posture and balance. It's stands to reason then, that every time you go to attack from your first target should be his posture and balance – regardless of what attack you've chosen. When you can snap an opponents hand down to the floor, knock his butt to the mat, get his head lower than his and all those other signs of of balance and posture, then you will suddenly find whatever attacks you favor are suddenly working much better. In a world of huge numbers of possible alternatives – LOOK FOR THE SMALL NUMBER OF COMMONALITIES THAT THEY ALL SHARE – focus your attention on those essential commonalities and watch as all those myriad become realistic probabilities.

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