gets another win: MMA superstar Jake Shields shows once again that he is one of the very few MMA fighters who can hang with elite grapplers in grappling competition today. Last night at Fight2Win he took on Australian grappling icon and took a fought decision victory due to use of guillotine and leg attacks to win a tight decision. Great to an athlete take on new that he works so hard on with the squad every day getting him great results. People often say to me that they find it difficult to learn new skills on an already established game – I always believed this is a imposed limitation. If you had the ability to learn one set of skills, why should you find it difficult to learn a new set? The surest way to prevent yourself doing anything is to tell yourself you can't do it. Mr Shields walked into the gym, saw something he wanted to learn and got down to the business of it, never questioning whether he would be able to do so, and last night that can do attitude won him a match.