yourself: The path to excellence in all fields of life is skill acquisition. More than anything else it is your skill level in your chosen field that will determine how far you go. There are two to go about this. The is to improve the you already have. The second is to acquire new skills. The first option is easier and far less time consuming. In general it's much easier to improve what you're already good at than to learn something totally new – so if you're looking for results – this is the path to take. However, there are diminishing returns on this path. At some point the improvements become smaller and smaller as you try to wring more and more out of the . At some point the improvements become so minor that a plateau is reached. For long term progress, you have to start incorporating new skills. It can be frustrating at first, as initial progress can be , but this is the only way to ensure long term growth. At any given time you should be walking paths. Divide your short term projects around improving existing skills and your long term projects around acquiring new skills – this way you'll always be pushing onward and upward