I am very happy to announce the of my latest instructional video AGELESS JIU JITSU: WINNING WHEN YOU ARE OLDER OR LESS ATHLETIC: POSITION GI. In this video I look at the and tactics most suited to an older jiu jitsu player, or one with a limited athletic background/abilities, and how they can build a game that enables them to be very competitive against much younger or more athletic training partners. There are definitely some techniques that are easier for such people to learn and employ and tactics which make their execution more effective. I have put out no gi videos on this topic, but I also want to cover gi Jiu jitsu as well, since many athletes in this category train predominantly in the gi and the gi offers very significant advantages in terms of control and pace control that can greatly older and less athletic players. Used well, the gi adds a whole new layer of control possibilities over faster and more mobile opponents and can be used to tie them up, slow them down and inhibit their movement advantage. In addition, it adds the single best weapon that mobility compromised players have against younger, stronger and faster opponents – collar strangles. If this topic sounds like something that appeals to you – check it out – today is release day! Link in my bio and story