Getting weak: I flew up to Boston to film a new instructional video for @bjj.fanatics It's the time in years I've been in a New England winter and I've totally gotten soft! 😂😂😂 After two years of Puerto Rico's warm ocean breeze and Dry desert heat I'm huddled up like a hibernating 😂😂😂I used to fearlessly step out into the cold for thirty years in . I worked long nights outside nightclubs for a decade in sub zero temperatures. I Georges St Pierre in freezing Montreal winters for a decade and never missed a beat – I'm crying because it's less than 50 degrees 😂😂😂 My old NYC students would be ashamed of me! 😂😂😂 I better get back to my old self or this will be a long week!! ⛄️❄️⛄️⛷⛸☠️☠️☠️ It's amazing how we accept wherever we are as normal and adapt to that and as soon as we're taken from there we are like a fish out of water! 😂😂 Ha! I'm going to turn up the thermostat!