One of the most remarkable men I ever met: This crazy job of mine has brought me into contact with many truly fascinating people. One who really stands out will always be Tim Kennedy @timkennedymma It is very difficult in this life of ours to master even one skill – Tim Kennedy is a master of many. I watch him routinely spar against elite current MMA fighters and easily his own even in retirement. Then he'll do a jiu jitsu class and give hell to top grapplers. Then he will out to a gun range and easily put five rounds into a ten inch circle at a thousand meters day or night, in any weather conditions, then he will teach handguns, knife defense. After all this he will quietly slip down to the Texas border and battle cartel human traffickers all night in night vision goggles. And the truly incredible things is that next day when I come to the gym, he'll be there before me doing some crazy workout that would flat line me in three minutes and then do another MMA sparring session with no problems! I've never met a person like this! He can teach you about driving cars for maximum performance against armed , how to survive longer in freezing water, how to speak foreign languages to get by in a dozen countries – and after all this this he's one of the nicest and most helpful people you'll ever meet – a man who always makes time to help his friends (when Georges St Pierre came to train he came up from a fire fight at the border to his old friend, trained, and went to the border for more!) He is a character like no other I've met. he came in to help Rory MacDonald @romac_gorilla get ready for his upcoming bout. I'm looking forward to seeing my old partner in crime @firas_zahabi as we all get together to help Rory in Dallas Texas early May in PFL Thanks also to Sean Apperson for sparring help this morning – what a crew!!