Win one battle at a : When you are caught in a bad situation in jiu jitsu it is unlikely that you'll immediately and effortlessly . After all, if your opponent is good enough to you in to a bad position, he's probably good enough to keep you there. Instead, FOCUS ON WINNING SMALLER FIRST THAT DIMINISH THE CONTROL YOUR OPPONENT HAS OVER YOU. As you win a series of smaller battles that weaken your opponents control, THEN you can win the big battle and get out of the situation altogether. For example, if you're caught in a heavy side pin, don't just try to blast out of there. Start by winning a smaller battle – the battle for an hook. If you're opponent gets an under hook , he solidifies his control over you. If you get an under hook, you rob him of control over your torso. Then win the battle for the cross face. If you get your head inside his cross face he loses control of your head. Now you've won two minor battles and your opponent no longer controls the movement of your head and torso. Now win the battle for positioning – a removes your opponent from direct to chest position, rendering his ineffective. Once these three minor battle are won – NOW YOU'RE IN A STATE WHERE YOU CAN ESCAPE THE POSITION OVERALL. At this point you can pick and choose among the escapes – elbow escape, knee escape, whatever you want. Next time you're in trouble, take on the mind set of the minor battles you need to win first before you win the big one.