Carrying weight: Any time you underneath an opponent there is a real danger you have to carry his weight for extended periods of time. This is tiring and leads to restricted movement- neither is desirable. As much as possible try to create situations where your opponent has to carry his own weight. One of the very best ways to do this is to snap his hands to the . Any time you do this the majority of his weight will be carried by his own hands. This will make other parts of his body feel very light. Here, snaps an opponents hands to the mat from . As his opponent now carries most of his own upper body weight; his legs will become light and to move. Mr Ryan takes advantage of these lightened legs to enter into a variation of ashi garami. When you one part of his body to feel light – get another part of his body to the floor so that his weight gets divided and you now only have to lift a fraction of his weight rather than all of it. The easiest and most practical part of his body to get to the mat is his hands

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