Concepts versus details: Whenever I teach I try hard to begin with the general concepts that govern the I am discussing and then flesh it out with details that give students the practical to get those general concepts to . Concepts and details work together in a manner similar to a child's coloring book. The concepts are like the outlines, the details are like the colors you fill in to make it into a beautiful picture. Jiu Jitsu without concepts to give a general be like a collection of colors scrawled randomly over a page that portrays nothing. Jiu Jitsu without details will be like a rough sketch, colorless and dull. When jiu jitsu has both concepts and details in unison – then you will a complete and beautiful picture. See your jiu Jitsu along the lines of this metaphor. Start at the conceptual level to give yourself . Then over time, add details to add life and color to those outlines. Just as sketch and color together produce art, so too will concepts and details together produce a martial art.