Spreading the word: I always love teaching some of the key elements of our approach to jiu jitsu in a new environment. It's a great chance for me to focus on the parts of our game that myself and my full time students tend to take for granted when we work with each other, but which are not obvious at all to the . Any chance to re-visit the foundations of jiu jitsu, whether it be jiu jitsu in general, or our approach to it, is a healthy thing for a student. IN ANY GIVEN SKILL BASED ENTERPRISE, MASTERY OF THE FUNDAMENTALS WILL DETERMINE HOW FAR AND HOW FAST YOU PROGRESS THROUGH THE HIGHER LEVELS. This Saturday in Pittsburgh I shall get a chance to teach some of the core features of our game to a new group. Though I currently have some severe physical limitations, most of the essential features of my system can be demonstrated. Here, I work with GarryTonon @garrytonon and Nicky Ryan @nickyryanbjj in at Evolve gym, covering intricacies of grip and positioning to a curious audience – and a very stoic partner! (Uke)

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