Three great forces at work: Morning workout in Singapore two days out from showtime. The forces of nature reveal themselves in a massive downpour and thunderstorm as the squad works out. I have always said – you don't understand real rainfall until you have been in Asia. It's a fine reminder that in an industry where we endlessly work towards ascendency among our our powers in physical power and , ultimately we are all equally in the face of the humbling powers of nature. The second great power is that of ROUTINE. As soon as we arrive in a new city or country we immediately establish a local routine around which we our match preparation. It is our belief that ALL HUMAN GREATNESS TAKES BIRTH IN THAT ALLOW US TO DEVELOP THE SKILLS THAT WILL MAKE US STAND OUT AMONG OUR PEERS. Routines allow us to control a schedule and allocate the time required for development – it is those skills that will create greatness. FOR EVERY MOMENT OF EXCITEMENT IN YOUR YOU WILL NEED A HUNDRED HOURS OF ROUTINE TO PREPARE YOU TO SUCCEED IN THAT CRITICAL THRILLING MOMENT IF YOU ARE TO BEAT THE BEST. A third force at work here is narrative. Stuart Cooper, an Englishman deeply involved in the of jiu jitsu, chronicles on film the work of outstanding jiu jitsu exponents. Here he films Garry Tonon's preparation at Evolve and records his thoughts on this great match up with the outstanding Shinya Aoki. Such work is very important for the growth of jiu jitsu. Just as the memory of Achilles and Hector would have died if not for Homer, so the achievements and thoughts of jiu jitsu icons must be recorded if generations are to be inspired and learn from their experience. Now it's on to medical check in and media time – then the routine kicks in again tonight for second workout.

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