Finding your moves: Jiu jitsu gives you a huge array of moves to choose from – far more than you could ever hope to master in one lifetime. This means you must choose which you shall on – and those choices will define your jiu jitsu. Sometimes you'll be shown a move and the first time you try it it feels like a natural fit for you. Other times you'll try a new move and it feels like it just doesn't suit you. Sometimes you can work through those initial feelings that this move is not meant for you and through work and perseverance make it an effective part of your arsenal. Sometimes if a move feels inherently awkward, just put it on the shelf for a while. I've seen reject a move out of hand on first meeting, then several years later when they were in a different place mentally and physically try the same move a second time and felt it was now something they could feel as a natural fit for their . If a move doesn't come naturally to you, don't discard it completely and immediately – let time work it's magic either by working and studying hard to improve your performance or by playing a game and trying it again in the future when you've changed a little. Remember however, that you don't have to excel in every move – only enough to be effective against your opponents, so don't be afraid to put moves on the shelf if you've given them an honest try but it just feels unnatural to you. Finding a balance between acceptance, rejection and investing time and work into projects that initially show little promise can be a tricky business. Don't despair – time will almost always reveal the correct answer