The power of the hips and legs: The human body is generally unimpressive as a combative organism. Compared with the animal kingdom we are weak, slow, encased in soft, easily perforated skin, devoid of weapons such as talons, claws, fangs, susceptible to injury and infection. One part of our physiology that does garner some respectable power however, is the hips/legs. When it comes to building your jiu jitsu game, MAKE YOUR LEGS AND HIPS THE BASIS OF YOUR POWER. Let your hands and being a CONNECTION to an opponent, but create POWER through the use of your legs and hips. If you Try to make your power come from your arms you'll never beat anyone bigger and than yourself and you'll never be able to engage for long of time. Almost all our daily tasks other than locomotion are done with hands and arms. Jiu jitsu demands of you that you do the opposite and make almost all your jiu jitsu tasks be done predominantly with legs and hips. Making this insight the center of your game as as is the key to progress in Jiu jitsu