You've got five limbs – use them all: we think of ourselves as four limbed creatures, but in grappling your can be used to push and pull an opponent just like your arms and – your goal is to maximize and integrate your use of all five. Grappling is all about connection to your opponent so that you can exert whatever forces you have upon him. Your limbs are the spearhead of that connection. Here, Garry Tonon uses his right to shut down his opponents left. His right foot to maintain distance. His left foot to threaten his opponents base and his left /hand to prevent his opponent gaining an underhook – and while all this is going on, his head is used to maintain his seated stance. That image of and automatic use of all five limbs is what you must strive for as you grapple. Your torso is your engine, but your five limbs are the transmission that enable you to apply that power to your opponent