Angle: Mount and are essentially inversions of each other (as far as positioning goes). As such, they have something important in common – they require a pivot of ninety degrees if you want to your with arm bars. This perpendicular shift is the key to arm bar attacks from mount and closed guard. The main obstacle to this perpendicular shift is almost always your opponents ELBOWS. It interesting how when we set a goal in Jiu jitsu, say an arm bar from guard, it turns out the most important precursor has nothing or little to do with the goal – but if that innocuous precursor isn't satisfied – the goal never be reached. The only way to turn ninety degrees against a is get the of the arm you wish to attack inside your hip. You have many favorite moves I am sure – be sure to clearly identify exactly what the essential precursors to all those moves are, so that you have a clear sense of what you have to accomplish before your favorite moves can work. This step by step approach is vital to your success and progress.