The mount is a frustrating pin for many in jiu jitsu. You are told on your day that it is the ultimate positional goal of Jiu jitsu and that it scores the highest (along with rear mount) of all the point scoring – but when you first start getting there you often find that it can feel rather unstable compared with other pins from and north south positions. This often motivates students to shy away from mount for fear of being reversed and to instead stay in side pins. Don't let this kind of thinking stop you from aspiring you to get to the mounted position. The more time you spend there the more stable you'll become. You can hasten that by always seeking to get under one of your opponents arms and controlling his to lock his shoulders down to the . There are many benefits to getting mounted besides the points. There are reasons why so many of the best pinners in the favor it above side pins. Don't let early failures frustrate you to a point where you neglect it as a skill – long term is far more important than short term wins.