position: Most humans are four limbed creatures – but grapplers must learn to use their head as a fifth in order to maximize their grappling potential. Your head is an excellent pushing device (and can even be used sometimes to pull). If you can get your forehead tucked into inside position it becomes a formidable barrier that will confound an opponents and position whilst setting up your own. One of the more common to begin implementing it into your game is seated butterfly guard. By tucking your forehead into an opponents collarbone you can negate his underhooks and create and maintain sufficient space to steal your own. This is just one simple example of using your head in grappling among myriad other uses both on the floor and on the feet. Make a serious study of how your head can you an extra limb to dictate terms in a grappling exchange. Your opponents will always be trying to use your own head head as a weapon against yourself by controlling it as much as possible – take the initiative from them to use your head as a weapon that works in YOUR favor, not theirs.

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