Everything begins with stance and : When teaching I always emphasize the iron law of stance of posture – that the is capable of almost limitless different configurations in stance/posture and that for any given task there is a posture that optimizes the to that task. Our job is to be able to find that posture under pressure and maintain it for as long as we need to perform that task whilst shifting seamlessly from posture to posture, stance to stance, as our tasks change second by second during a bout. Here, Georges St-Pierre shows near perfect posture in the open as he squares with the very dangerous Josh Koschek, who displays a slightly different posture more appropriate to the skills he possesses. Both men have their respective tasks and both have chosen the ideal initial posture relative to those tasks. So often I see athletes who have a clear of what they want to do, but find themselves working much harder than they have to due to poor stance and posture

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