Committing to your attacks: Sometimes when we attack we do so anticipating – this immediately becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Entering into an attack without sufficient commitment to carry it through to completion is almost always a guarantee of failure. When you into an attack with the of winning with it – go in with the commitment required to win with it. Even if you're faking an attack to set up another you'll need sufficient commitment to creat the that you're going in to win with that move. If inefficiency is the most common PHYSICAL reason why moves fail in Jiu jitsu, TIMIDITY is the most common PSYCHOLOGICAL reason for failure. Moves applied with excessive timidity are as apt to fail as moves that lack sound . That doesn't mean going crazy in the gym – it just means recognizing what level of application is required to get the job done and making sure that timidity doesn't put you below that force requirement. Make your calculation and go!