All the various grappling arts, no matter how disparate they may appear on the surface, share thing in common – every match, whether in training or competition, begins with gripping. I have never met a world champion in any grappling style who was not a of his her her grip upon the , while denying the opponent's to the same. The higher the level of the sport – the more gripping skills will determine the outcome of the contest. Here Eddie Cummings and I run through some generic gripping drills prior to another big match. Mr Cummings came to me with with virtually no gripping skills – in a very short time he recognized the importance of this much neglected element of study and now is able to impose dangerous grips with all four limbs on all of his . He is a fine counter example to the common, but erroneous belief that grip is the basis of gripping for grappling – he grips very effectively with only modest physical strength

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