Victory in Sau Paulo! Nicholas Meregali returned to Brazil to compete in the Brazilian National Championships and won in characteristic brilliant style! He showed his impressive attacking game that makes him the most exciting gi athlete on the planet, with his dynamic . In the finals he took on the great Brazilian athlete Fellipe Andrew, one of the very best in the business, and attacked with a dizzying array of sweeps from his powerful open guard, then shocked everyone with a very well executed uchi mata in position and straight into a beautiful to win! It was a real pleasure observing some of his training here in Texas and then seeing him apply it so well in one the toughest gi tournaments of them all. Well done, Nicholas! And a lesson to all athletes that winning is great but best of all is to win in a way that conveys the central theme of all good jiu jitsu – and exciting attacks directed towards control that leads to submission. Winning makes an athlete respected – but winning like this makes you a legend!