: Speed is a wonderful attribute to have in any combat sport. If you can consistently get to where you want to be faster than your opponent can get to where he wants to be, you'll have a definite advantage. However, as desirable as physical speed may be, it's value is dwarfed by another form of speed – SPEED OF DECISION MAKING. If you are physically slower than your opponent, the only way you can win a race with them is to START , and that is exactly what superior speed of decision making enables you to do. If you make a decision to move in a given way prior to your opponent and on it before he even has decided on his own course of , then you can realistically get to where you want to be before he does – despite being slower in a physical sense. always that in a the race does not to the swiftest, but to the that starts first. Make decisions faster than opponents and you'll always be first the line