Alarm clocks and Jiu jitsu: Imagine a friend challenged you to solve a fairly complex math question within a set . He sat you in a chair, placed some paper and a pen on the table in of you and set a clock. Just as you begin the the clock emits a loud and continuous alarm sound – perhaps someone else set the alarm earlier in the day. What's the first step you'd take to solve this math problem? YOU WOULD TURN OFF THE DAMN ALARM!!! It's very difficult to solve complex problems when distracted. Jiu jitsu is no different. When you go to engage with an opponent it's always good to begin by SHUTTING DOWN THE OTHER FELLOWS GAME TO THE GREATEST DEGREE BEFORE YOUR OWN. This means you can focus without the distraction of your attacks whilst doing your thing. is always better without distraction – make sure your Jiu jitsu work is also done with the least possible distraction by consciously shutting down your opponents attacking before trying to impose your own.