It's Fourth of July – put some fireworks in your Jiu jitsu! It's good to have a Jiu jitsu that has different speeds and approaches so that you can tailor them to different opponents and game plans. Sometimes a slow, controlling game works best, sometimes a fast dynamic game is what's needed. The problem however, is that some athletes by their very are not fast – so how do they increase the pace of the match? that there are different ways to appear fast than just . Consider for example the fact that almost every Jiu jitsu match has numerous stoppages in the action when athletes go out of bounds, have to tie their belt, adjust their uniform etc etc. Every time this occurs you have an opportunity hustle back to starting position than your opponent and increase the pace of the match without every being faster during the actual match running time. You can be the slowest guy in the whole competition and still be the back to the position every time there is a in the action. This sends a clear message to your opponent – you might outpace me when the the match is on but I'll out hustle you every other time – just as in life – hustle outlast . As a fast opponent tires and looks to take a longer break every time the action stops, he looks and sees you hustle to center mat and you keep the pace as high as you can between the action sequences, he will start to fade mentally and physically. Remember, are different ways to be fast – if you're slow – find one that works for you. Happy Fourth of July!! ????