The soul of Jiu jitsu will always be submission: Every combat sport has its soul. For it is the knock out punch. For judo the perfect ippon . For wrestling the pin. In Jiu jitsu it is the submission hold. You can be losing the entire match, down by a landslide of points, but if you successfully apply a submission hold – you win regardless. A submission hold trumps all. I would wager that for all of us the original appeal of Jiu jitsu that brought us in the door and kept us in the dojo despite many , disappointments and frustrations, was the innate appeal of CONTROL THAT LEADS TO SUBMISSION. That is the ideal and the appeal of Jiu jitsu. As a coach, every lesson I teach has this message as it's underlying assumption. As a student, every training session you partake in should have this as your underlying direction. The further your Jiu jitsu slips away from this basic appeal and degenerates into a study of advantages and match tactics and holding on to a lead, the less interest you and those you will have in the game. When an athlete makes submission his or her priority, they will be a both a dangerous opponent and an entertaining performer – the faces in the crowd tell the story about the most basic appeal of Jiu jitsu and the best direction to take your game.

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