A test for yourself: Next time you are inactive due to injury or travel or , engage in the following training. Watch people of different levels as they spar. Make it your job to anticipate what their next move will be. Try to reduce the time it takes to make the prediction. Ultimately you should be able to read even the smallest moves they make – a subtle shift in grip or – not just the big moves. that the whole purpose of Jiu Jitsu at the higher levels is to FORCE AN OPPONENT DOWN A DIMINISHING DECISION TREE WHERE YOU KNOW ALL THE POSSIBLE DECISIONS HE CAN MAKE AHEAD OF TIME AND ARE THUS READY TO COUNTER EACH ONE AS THEY OCCUR UNTIL HE HAS BUT A SINGLE DECISION TO MAKE – Should I submit or let myself break/pass out? Learning to train your MIND to see the immediate is probably the single best Jiu Jitsu exercise you can do whenever actual training is not a possibility. There is nothing esoteric or mysterious about it. Whenever you know the possible you can make rational predictions of a future choice. Interestingly it is easier to do this exercise when watching experts rather than beginners since they tend to make more rational/sound decisions and are thus more predictable. Try it! I promise you will become a better physical Jiu Jitsu player as you work this critical mental .

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