There is ALWAYS a possibility right there in front of you: Once you lay your hands on someone in a grappling scenario there is ALWAYS some possibility for right there in front of you. It's up to you to SEE that possibility and then ACT upon it. That's why I Have my students focus upon a relatively small set of high percentage submissions (back strangles, strangles from front headlock, kimura, armlocks, and ashi garami based leg ). When there are too many possibilities you will suffer from paralysis caused by over abundance of . Too few and you won't cover the entire body and thus miss golden opportunities. Here, Nicky Ryan finds himself in an awkward passing entanglement but immediately seizes the initiative by taking a kimura opportunity that arose as his opponent reached for a new grip. This takes him immediately from an awkward deadlock to a a powerful means of attack. You must your mind to see these myriad opportunities that exist right there in front of you every time you come into close contact with an opponent. There are a thousand distractions and concerns as you grapple – victory often goes to the athlete who can cut through all that and see the shortest route to a finish.

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