Every has hard on the components: Very often I have students tell me that that find a given move that they want to learn extremely difficult to perform and wonder if they should simply quit that move and go on to something else. Remember always that every move in the sport is made up of a components. Simple moves have fewer components and complex ones have more. Whenever you are struggling with a move – BREAK IT DOWN INTO ITS COMPONENTS AND FOCUS ON MASTERING EACH COMPONENT INDIVIDUALLY AS A MEANS OF ULTIMATELY MASTERING THE MOVE WHEN YOU FINALLY STRING ALL OF THE COMPONENTS TOGETHER. Using this method you will keep a of that will keep you practicing and allow you to get any temporary feelings of failure. Here, talented junior squad member Nick Rodriguez works a component of an entry into cross ashi garami that will in our leg locking position – inside sankaku – it can be a tough one when you begin, but breaking the move down into its components always helps the learning process. Even if you cannot currently perform the whole move to your satisfaction – you can often walk away from a training session with a sense of satisfaction and progress if you master a component of that move – knowing you are step closer to your goal.