Beautiful day in LA: After the excitement of yesterday's ADCC west coast trials today I taught a big seminar at my good friend and RGA comrade school @5starmartialarts I went over the relationship between arm bar (juji gatame) system and leg system. It was a pleasure seeing people from all over LA come in and their together. I got to see my Armenian friends Sevak Magakian and Karen Darabedyan who competed against us with skill and distinction in the past. They came with their legendary sensei Gokor Chivichyan and dis very well with the drills. I'm at LAX waiting for my plane for the lonely red eye flight home to NYC. Arriving at 5:30am – straight to RGA to teach the morning then teach all day and then the night class in the Bronx. Looking to seeing my students again but always miss LA when I leave. Wishing you all the best! Photo @Jeffreyschu