Linking systems: You all know the basic insight behind my coaching – BJJ is a systems based approach to unarmed combat. Classical BJJ is a 2-6 step system depending upon the circumstances of the (the simplest and easiest rendition to understand is the four step version I outlined on the Joe Rogan podcast). My approach is to refine this by adding SUBSYSTEMS within that overall system to increase athlete performance in high value domains and lower learning times. Best of all is when athletes to link those subsystems together to create devastating attack sequences that are very difficult to stop. Here, talented junior squad member Frank Rosenthal links back, triangle and Kimura systems in a beautiful display to take a fine submission win over the weekend. This is how I want you thinking about your technique- rapid but controlled application of movements you know so well that the application looks as natural as breathing. even well practiced submission system is difficult – stopping all six in unison is EXTREMELY difficult.