New England summer: I spent the weekend with Bernardo Faria and the team at BJJ Fanatics filming the next installment of the series – THE HEADLOCK/GUILLOTINE. days of filming in a beautiful New England/ setting – a ton a footage featuring the squad's approach to the front headlock/guillotine game. I always insist that my have strong attacks out of front headlock – all of them excel at it. In the gym it is one of our most successful systems when our students spar each other and has been featured in some of the squad's biggest successes. Can't wait to see how this one comes out – I feel this one have very wide applicability for many students as guillotine attacks and other strangles from the front are among the most popular and successful in the sport. Our step by step approach to the will make it for you to use them in a more systematic fashion. Now it's back to the train station and five hours back to NYC – a wonderful ride through New England in summer – for a full day of teaching tomorrow in the basement of hope and despair- wishing you all the best from Boston!