Frank Rosenthal wins Onnit Invitational in Texas: Outstanding junior, Frank Rosenthal won the prestigious Onnit Invitational grappling event last night – two matches by and by strangle- to take gold and shekels in fine form. Mr Rosenthal has been on a locking of late, doing an incredible job of embodying the core themes of my system to secure numerous impressive victories. The Onnit Invitational was always one of the big hurdles used by the squad to prepare developing athletes for big endeavors. It seems like yesterday that a young Gordon Ryan was himself for this challenge – it's great to see Mr Rosenthal taking those same big steps on his journey towards his goals and dreams. This theme of planned development and progress is critical for all of you. Everything works better with a coherent and rational plan. Of course there will be and derailments along the way, that's to be expected; but adapt to each one and keep pressing forward and you shall get there with results like this.

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