Strangles are almost always the option: Submission is the soul of Jiu jitsu. There are types of submission hold in the sport – joint and strangles. Both are to the game and your development, but if you have a choice – in most cases, go with strangles. Strangles have a greater degree of certainty associated with them. A courageous and determined opponent can simply refuse to submit to a joint lock if he is willing to take the damage, but refusal to tap to a strangle won't affect the outcome – even the bravest opponent will simply pass out. In addition, there is something intrinsically better about a method of ending a match that is less damaging to an opponent. A strangle causes no lasting damage if applied within the rules of the game – a joint lock on the other hand often causes damage. Strangles are more gentle in application and result (unless of course applied with bad outside the sport). Jiu jitsu expects you to train toward mastery of both – but if fate should ever give you choice between them – bet on strangles over joint locks in most cases