Gordon Ryan guard passing video today!! BJJ Fanatics will release the the best No Gi guard passing instructional ever made today. Gordon Ryan has meticulously put together our approach to No Gi guard passing featuring all of his own innovative additions and special tweaks that he has used to dominate his guards at the highest levels of competition. Passing guard in the blue basement, where everyone is a dangerous leg locker, requires that in addition to being able to pass, you must also be able to shut down leg attacks at the same time. Also, much of our grappling training is grappling for , where there is a constant danger of opponents standing on you as you to pass, so a big part of our focus is on guard passing methods that ensure an opponent is kept down as we to . Also, we began our in submission only tournaments where guard passing scores nothing – so we had to create many submission attacks as we passed and play a game based around the dual of passes and submission. Mr Ryan's video reflects these four demands. He has created a passing method that:
1 – Will get you passing the guards of all your peers in record time
2 – will shut down leg lock dangers as you do it
3 – will make it exceedingly difficult for opponents to stand up as you do it
4 – will make you a dangerous passer who can simultaneously create submission threats as you pass.