Tapping – Part 1: The decision to tap out due to strangle or joint lock is a deeply personal one. I always encourage my athletes to tap immediately to avoid . My reasoning is that if you have been put in a finishing position the have already been made, once you believe those mistakes cannot be undone – tap – as this allows you to immediately begin training so that those mistakes can be avoided in a rematch. When the athlete refuses to tap to a joint lock there will be a considerable period of time where training is impossible and there may be damage that never fully recovers – both of which will make the rematch more difficult. I understand that in MMA things can be different as there is a generally higher intensity level and athletes much less often. In grappling, athletes can compete every week for months in some cases. Getting badly injured can cause considerable interruption to the athletes yearly competition schedule, so I think it's generally the smart option to tap as soon as damage becomes probable. Sometimes there are other factors, prize money, prestige, honor or animosity that can make an athlete refuse to tap. A good example occurred when AJ Agazarm refused to tap to a very tight knee bar from Garry Tonon last night. The variation employed by Mr Tonon is particularly and the effects of it, and Mr Agazarm's decision not to tap, can be readily seen in the immediate aftermath. There is much to commend in bravery and a spirit of resistance, but this must also be balanced with a sense of professionalism in a sport where the athlete may have to perform many times a year and train year round. Hats off to both men for a fine and dramatic show of technique against mental toughness.

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