Seminal moments: I am a huge believer in the notion of SEMINAL MOMENTS in the development of athletes and even recreational jiu jitsu players. These are critical episodes where a student has built up physical skills and then in one opportunity, SUDDENLY AND DRAMATICALLY MANIFESTS THOSE SKILLS IN A MEMORABLE AND DYNAMIC FASHION. These moments are huge for your development. They represent the interface between physical skills and mental attributes such as confidence. Once such an episode occurs, you will believe in your ability to replicate this skill and jump to a new level of performance – but UNTIL such a moment, something inside you will always hold you back a when the opportunity comes. These moments need not be public – in fact they most often occur in the gym, seen by no one except you and your training partner – but their effect can be dramatic. These seminal moments cannot be forced. You must work to create the level of skill that makes them possible – but only some subliminal flash inside of you can make them happen. Where in the past you hesitated, one day something inside clicks and you let all your guns fire – and then you will never look back. As a coach I can help build up the skills to make it possible, but only you can snatch that moment and make it yours. This is why these seminal moments are so important to your development. They represent your independence from a teacher. They are a coming of in some aspect of the sport. At the recent Sapeteiro 6 event, student Matthew Tesla had such a moment. Taking on 10th Planet icon Boogyman Martinez, the recent brown belt, who has always shown immense promise in the gym, but who always held back in competition, suddenly had his moment. No second guessing, no hesitation, no doubts – just the mindless realization that he could do this on his terms in his way – fire! Look for these seminal moments in your training – you can't force them, but you can put yourself in a position where if the opportunity is there, you can take it when ready – treasure and relish those moments – they are yours and yours alone.

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