Georges St-Pierre works out with the squad…meanwhile…in Mexico City…One of my principal aims as a coach is to a sense of independence in the students (Senpai). When we all talk and strategy, we talk as equals. Indeed, the senior students often shock me with the depth of their and originality. The greatest thing a teacher can students is not technique or strategy or any of the usual things people judge the worth of teachers by, but rather THE ABILITY TO RESEARCH AND PROGRESS INDEPENDENTLY. instilling this sense of creative independence in the senior students has several great consequences. One of them is on display in this photo collage. Eddie Cummings is currently in Mexico City preparing for EBI 10 on Friday night. He is working with Local jiu jitsu players in the same system that the other squad members used today to in NYC with Georges St-Pierre; who will himself back to Montreal tonight to train independently what he learned today. If all these could only blindly follow orders, this kind of activity would be impossible. It is their capacity to grow independently within themselves that ensures the growth of ideas that keeps our overall program growing and . Looking forward to the squad getting together with Mr Cummings Wednesday night in Mexico City for the big show

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